Reusable skin penetration instruments must be thoroughly cleaned and then sterilised using a steam-under-pressure bench top autoclave.
The Public Health Regulation 2022 (the Regulation) requires all reusable instruments that penetrate a person’s skin to be sterilised in line with AS/NZS 4815:2006 and be kept in a sterile condition until used in a skin penetration procedure. Cornstarch Plastic Bag

Sterilisation is a process that kills micro-organisms including bacteria (and their spores), fungi and viruses.
All reusable instruments and equipment that puncture a person’s skin must be sterilised before use in a skin penetration procedure.
Reusable equipment requiring sterilisation includes:
Note: Ultrasonic cleaners clean but do not sterilise instruments.

Vacuum Packaging Machine For Food (The table above is reproduced by NSW Health with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CLF0722HNSW. Copyright in AS/NZS 4815:2006 vests in Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner.)