John McEnroe Used a ‘Tennis Time Machine’ to Play Matches Vs. Himself

2022-05-13 22:05:34 By : Mr. Tony Zhou

Under the category of the surreal, John McEnroe serving to the virtual 1992 John McEnroe, who had been cloned to walk, talk and pout just like the real thing.

For anyone who has ever wanted to talk to their younger self, John McEnroe recently had this to say to the 1984 him:

“Stop whining.’’

In what might be the future (and past) of sport, ESPN+ will stream a “time machine’’ tennis match later this month between John McEnroe…and John McEnroe. Using augmented reality, unreal engines and motion control connectivity, developers have merged three disparate technologies to create five unfathomable made-for-TV conundrums:

“I’m a technological dinosaur so when it was explained to me at first, I was like, ‘Give me a break,’ ’’ the real 63-year-old white-haired McEnroe told SportTechie. “Because, I was like, ‘If I’m actually playing the guy that was the ’84 McEnroe, I don’t think I’d do too well, something tells me.’ I wouldn’t do well against the 2004 McEnroe.’’

The event—officially dubbed as “Michelob ULTRA McEnroe vs. McEnroe’’—is a multi-layered brainstorm that began with the New York ad agency FCB Global and its chief creative officer Gabriel Schmitt, who brought the idea to Michelob Ultra, who then brought it the immersive synchronicity experts at Unit9 in the UK, who then brought it to the former No 1 in the world McEnroe.

After that, there was three-month sprint to the finish line that included motion capture, avatars, robotic ball cannons, video game animation and fog screens.

“It reminds me of ‘Back to the Future,’ ’’ said McEnroe after his match against his 1992 self. “I thought I was Marty McFly for a second.’’

The end results are five real vs. virtual tennis matches that Unit9 technical director James Medcraft calls “sports technology in theatre.’’ And just as with a movie, there were special effects from the get-go.

The process began in February when McEnroe—who had to be talked into the event by his agent Gary Swain—donned a motion capture suit that would morph him into an avatar. The way he served, sliced his backhand and pouted after missed shots were all recorded and stored.

The next step was to review hundreds of hours of historical footage from McEnroe’s past matches, such as his epic four-set 1981 Wimbledon victory over Bjorn Borg (a match in which McEnroe by and large controlled his insufferable temper). These various matches were fed into computer, and, through machine learning, the newly-created avatars could now walk, talk and fume like the real Superbrat.The 'real' John McEnroe enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

From there, the avatar was animated in the unreal engine to, voila, become a McEnroe video game character. But to create the actual real McEnroe vs. unreal McEnroe experience, the McEnroe avatars had to be able to react to the moving tennis balls. This first required Medcraft’s team to create a so-called fog screen—30 feet wide, 12 feet tall— made out of mist and smoke. That way, each McEnroe avatar would be animated onto the fog screen so the real McEnroe could see who he was hitting the ball to, i.e., his past self.

Once the real McEnroe would hit a ball over the net, the avatars were programmed to track the shot coming toward them and swing. The ball would then be returned to the real McEnroe by one of four computerized robotic cannons behind the fog screen that were synched with the avatars—probably the most complex technology of the endeavor.

“Because of the physical synchronization between the robotics and the video game,’’ Medcraft said.

Even better, these were smart robotic cannons. The same machine learning from past McEnroe matches would instruct theThe John McEnroe 1992 Avatar. cannons on what kind of shot—backspin, topspin, knuckleball—to return to the 2022 McEnroe and with what kind of velocity. These were not your father’s ball machines. The robotic cannons were jerry-rigged with actual sandpaper to create McEnroe's vintage topspin and backspin, which annoyed the 2022 McEnroe to no end.

"Playing me, the different me’s, it was technological wizardry,'' McEnroe said. "They had the guys all dressed up like me, with a wood racket and everything. And the hair was getting less and less with each guy.''

When McEnroe finally stepped on the court to play himself in late April in Glendale, Calif., he was wide-eyed and amused. At first, it took him multiple rallies to get familiar with the latency of his virtual opponent. He would hit groundstrokes and serves as normal, but the process of (a) an avatar moving, (b) an avatar swinging and (c) a robotic cannon sand-papering a ball back to him…took a hair longer than normal. That’s where the magic of editing will come in when the matches actually air on ESPN+ on an undetermined date in May.

“It wasn’t necessarily going to be about, okay, we’re actually playing,’’ McEnroe said “It’s going to be more the spirit of what this could be, what this will look like. That’s two different things. Why do people make movies? Do you go in to watch the Matrix and go, ‘He’s actually doing all this stuff? Computer generated imagery?’ But then you look at it like ‘Wow, oh my gosh.’ So that’s where I’m at with it.

“So it’s sort of like a trip down memory lane. The idea of this is supposed to be fun. Otherwise, what, I’m actually going to play a match against me in 1981? I’m not sure how that actually works, if you thought about it, right? So it’s more about the concept than the experience, I guess. To me.’’

Conceptually, Medcraft isn’t stopping with what he calls “time travel tennis’’ matches. He told SportTechie, in the future, he can envision simulating golf on Mars or granting people the immersive experience of cycling in the wind and cold of a world that doesn’t exist.

I’m a technological dinosaur so when it was explained to me at first, I was like, ‘Give me a break.’

                                                                                        --John McEnroe

“It’s not too complex once you understand the technology and how you combine it,’’ Medcraft said. “Basically, you can explore LED technologies, augmented reality video games, where the person is relocated—using VR headsets or immersive LED screen environments—to allow players to play golf, the sport they love, in physical environments that either do not exist or you cannot get access to. Golf on Mars, there you go. If I was pitching it in an elevator to an ad company: golf on Mars.’’

Meanwhile, the virtual tennis on earth—  ie. McEnroe vs. McEnroe—  is Michelob ULTRA’s second foray into sports technology, according to the company's VP of Marketing Ricardo Marques. During the NBA’s pandemic playoffs of 2020, its innovative Michelob Ultra Courtside placed fans in virtual seats inside the Orlando bubble via Microsoft Teams. The only difference in this case is that they beamed in bodies from the past instead of the present.Hundreds of past McEnroe matches, such as the 1981 Wimbledon final here against Bjorn Borg, were run into computer for the machine learning that would instruct the virtual McEnroe's how to play.

Watching the pseudo-McEnroe matches live, pre-edited, was literally seeing the real McEnroe get a taste of his own medicine. Still lithe and able to serve and volley at 63, the 2022 Johnny Mac had running conversations with all of his younger selves during the matches, mostly sarcastic.

When his 1984 self—who, in real life, had an 82-3 won-loss record —questioned a call, the 2022 McEnroe said, “You’re a jerk.’’

When the ’84 McEnroe served wide to the 2022 McEnroe’s backhand, the ’22 Mac moaned, “This ’84 guy found my weak spot.’’

When the ’84 McEnroe said, “Damn, it feels good to beat you,’’ the ’22 McEnroe said, “Shut up.’’

When the ’84 McEnroe yelped, “That ball was in'' after a shot was called long, the ’22 McEnroe made his “Stop whining’’ comment.

When the '84 McEnroe mocked still another line call by blurting, "Unbelievable,'' the '22 McEnroe told the crowd, "Is that what I use to do? I apologize.''

When the ’92 McEnroe—who in real life retired after that season—spouted, “Yeah, let’s go!’’ after a winner, the ’22 Mac threw his racket 40 feet.

When the ’22 McEnroe then won a point against his ’92 self, he chirped, “Late night last night? Now I know why you retired.’’

In other words, a McEnroe is a McEnroe is a McEnroe is a McEnroe: salty.

Photo credits: Michelob ULTRA (McEnroe serving to Virtual McEnroe); Michelob ULTRA (McEnroe entrance); SportTechie (avatar); Tony Duffy/Allsport (1981 Wimbledon final)

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