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2022-09-23 19:24:20 By : Ms. Jaxcy Yang main

Vector Control begins with surveillance. We conduct dipping surveys to locate mosquito larva and samples are taken to identify species. Adult mosquito surveillance is carried out using three trap types:

If you see any of our traps placed throughout the city, please feel free to observe them in action but do not dissturb them. They provide us with the valuable information to target mosquito populations and mosquito borne disease.

Mosquitoes collected from our traps are tested for West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Disease surveillance is also conducted using sentinel chicken flocks. Female chickens placed in secure coops throughout the city are sampled every other week to test for infection of West Nile Virus or Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Surveillance data allow mosquito control personnel to make informed, scientifically based decisions as to the most appropriate interventions.

Mosquito control consists of two approaches: targeting mosquito larvae (source reduction and larviciding) and adult mosquitoes (adulticiding).