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2022-05-06 18:18:16 By : Ms. Tina Tang

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We probably can't keep every mosquito from flying into the yard, but we can put up a good fight. Whether you are prepping for a backyard party or want to enjoy your porch without being eaten alive, check out these expert tips for keeping those little stinkers at bay. 

Use an electric fan while you're outside as mosquitoes aren’t powerful enough to fight the air current, Joe Conlon of the American Mosquito Control Association said. Plus, fans disperse the odor trails that mosquitoes follow to reach you and your guests.

It may not be the most popular summertime chore, but it is an important one. Mosquitoes rest in tall vegetation, said Chuck Palmisano, entomologist and director of St. Tammany Parish Mosquito Abatement District in Louisiana, so keep that lawn mowed to keep the pests away.

Replace outdoor light bulbs with GE yellow bug lights, Conlon suggested. While they may not be repellent, yellow bug lights don't attract mosquitoes as regular bulbs do.  

Pull out the big guns and pick up a thermal fogger from the local home supply store, then fog directly into trees and shrubs at or after dusk, suggests Conlon. The pyrethroid-based pesticide in the fogger works best if applied about an hour before you plan to use your yard. Make sure to follow manufacturer’s directions strictly.